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Showing posts from January, 2012

If 7 year olds ruled the world.......

I got so much annoying unsolicited advice from my 7 year old this weekend that I thought I should share this knowledge with the world.  Sunday I was scheduled for a long run for the 1/2 marathon training.  I had been looking forward to it all week.  Really, I'm not joking.  I was looking forward to running 5-6 miles.  Until I looked outside Sunday morning and saw the windmill turning like crazy.  That damn windmill has become the deciding factor on how my day will go.  Spinning like crazy = grouchy running bitch.  No turning = happy running princess.  After lunch I paced back and forth looking out the window a million times in hopes that the wind had miraculously died down.  No luck.  That f'ing thing kept getting faster and faster.  I asked Wade a million times what his suggestion would be.  He really didn't care.  Suggested running the next day.  But that throws off my whole schedule and I HATE that....

California or bust???

.    I've been dreaming of the beach for weeks now.  Warm, sunny days and relaxing by the pool.  Don't get me wrong, this winter has been extremely mild and I would never complain about that.  I just REALLY loved our visit to California a couple years ago.  And that's saying alot because we had 3 kids with us and mine whined.  ALOT.  And so did my sisters.  (just seeing if you were paying attention)  It was still enjoyable.  I want to go back there sometime soon.  My mother-in-law wants us to come back this spring but I think we'll wait till next year.  Not that I'm not dreaming of this:   How cool would that be??!!!  Except I would look more like this:   Who doesn't love a good floatation device?! For now I will just dream of warm, sunny beaches and pin my "dream" vacation spots.  Wade's dream vacation spot looks more like this:   I prefer motorized vehicles and drinks with umbrellas....

The Great Divide...

And I'm not talking about plumber's crack!!  I ventured out for a run this morning after dropping off the boys.  When I looked out the window, the windmill was barely turning by the meadow so I assumed that was a good sign.  It tricked me.  I realized at the corner that I would be running mile 2 into the wind.  Damn the luck!!  At 1.5 I met Shane on the road and he held up his gator to see if I needed it.  He must have felt sorry for me.  I wasn't cold at that point though so I waved him on.  At the turn around I realized I'd be into the wind for at least a mile.  But I kicked that miles ass.  And pry a little more cause I'm pretty sure at one point the wind was actually pushing me backwards.    NOT so much like this guy, but you get the point...... Why The Great Divide???? I forgot how much I love that band!!!  I listened to quite the playlist this morning.  Everything from Waylon to Lady Gaga...

Some Tuesday humor.....

You all know I have a new obsession with Pinterest.  I have found some really great recipes, decorating ideas, fitness motivations and great organization tips.  I have also found the funniest pics/sayings that I thought I would share with you.  :)  Disclaimer:  There is cussing involved!!!!!!! Enough said.   I do this alot in Walmart.  :)  There's always that crazy person who you do everything in your power to avoid.  If you see me squatting down behind my cart next time you're in Walmart you'll know why.   Pretty sure I actually raced my cart from aisle to aisle once to avoid running into someone.  Don't judge me.  If you knew them you'd run too. true!!   And this one's especially for me.  I'm working real hard on that though.  :)   Scroll to Top

Friend???.....or Foe???/

Dreadmill/hate your f'ing guts/just get it the hell over with/that wasn't so bad.......... That's how I felt while doing my long run today on the treadmill.  Normally, I would NEVER do over 3 miles on that stupid thing.  Today, I was scheduled for 5 miles.  At 3.5 I really wanted to just say screw it and quit.  Then, I decided that wasn't such a great idea.  Especially when I'm normally psycho lady semi competitive.  I would have been mad at myself for not getting that long run in this week, especially after last week's non-running foot incident.  The good news is, I got it done and had I been outside I might have actually been inclined to run further.  And...the bad news.....there is none.  Unless you count the 35mph winds and snow that didn't allow me to run outside.  Next week I should be running 6 miles.  That WILL be outside or I will hurt someone.  Probably myself if I'm forced to run on the treadmill that far....


And I don't mean roller baby!!!  My awesome bro-in-law called this morning to let me know he'll be trying to fix our road today with the big blade.  And to be careful if I'm driving down it.  Whoop Whooop!!!!!!   I've been bitching  complaining about our road for 3 weeks now.  It's horrible.  The county does not maintain our road so it's up to us.  Or actually, I shouldn't say that.  They are nice enough to come out here every 3 years and make it a sand pit and leave.  :)  I know it's every three years because they were here last year and Kohl was amazed!!!  He had never seen that big road grader before.  And he's 5.  :)    Kinda hard to miss something like this driving down your road. Awww......can't wait to drive on a smoother road without cussing at every bump as I'm doing 60 25 on the way to school every morning.  It's the little things.  I knew that eventually Shane would break down ...

It's MY Party!!!!

Actually, I'm too old for parties so now I have to settle for the following: Me telling my kids that it was my birthday this morning because Wade forgot.  And then reminding them that it's MY day and they should be extra good. Me making Kohl and my nephew tell me Happy Birthday every time they needed something today.  And singing too.  :) My mom calling me at lunch when Wade was in here which jarred his memory real quick like.  I will continue the day with making my kids wait on me all evening.  Ahhhhhh....I love MY DAY. I also treated myself to some new trail running shoes.  It's the right thing to do.

Strength Training!!!

This was my workout today.  All courtesy of pinterest posts I searched.  LOVE IT!!!  X 2   X 2   X 2 And I'm spent.  Did each of those through 2 times.  I love strength training and circuits.  Someday, I will love running just as much.  :) Foot feels great thanks to the chiro yesterday!!  I feel like I'm back on track and ready to go! 

To Trail......or Not to trail???

Ok runner friends, or anyone with an opinion.  Should I be wearing a trail shoe??  I run on dirt roads with lots of rock/gravel and now frozen cow shit.  It's uneven, rough and sometimes no fun.  :)  I hurt the bottom of my foot and I still think it's because of all the rocks I'm stepping on.  How could that not hurt?  I really like the feel of the Asics Nimbus I've been wearing but did alot of reading this weekend on running shoes and some are of the opinion that if you're running on trail, that's the kind of shoes you should be wearing.    This looks NOTHING like my trail road I run on.  Unless you disregard the fact that we have no trees.  Or mountains.  Or snow for that matter, even though it's January.  This is the "trail" I run on. Some days it's hard as a rock, others it's soft and the sand is deep.  But there are large pieces of rock throughout it.  Which some trail shoes claim they have a special d...

And I'm spent........

Whew!!!  WHAT A DAY!!  I successfully renovated our attic into a usable space for the kids, dressed myself for the entire next month, made a months worth of gluten free meals, and got some great running tips.  I deserve some sort of reward.  :)  I spent all some of the morning on Pinterest.  I had heard about this site from my BFF Tiff awhile back but had never spent much time on there.  Then I forgot about it until my sis-in-law was telling me all about these home renovation ideas on there.  I had NO CLUE what all you could find on this site.  I'm going to have to limit myself because I've already picked out complete new colors for our house.  That we just painted 5 years ago.  Wade's REALLY NOT excited.  I have new shoes picked out and in my shopping cart at various sites, and much much more.  NOT GOOD.   I could not allow myself to start anything until I look like this...............Might be awh...

Gluten Free Friday and 1 Missed Opportunity......

So, you all know Wade got me my own gun for Christmas.  I've had time now to shoot it, LOVE it, and get pretty attached to it.  I had it in my pickup all last week just waiting for an opportunity to maybe see a coyote or something else that needed blasted.  No luck.  Went to town one day this week so decided it might be best for me to remove it from the pickup.  Me, with a weapon, and I speed.....ALOT.  Not a good combination.  And......of course this morning after dropping off Knight, a coyote runs right in front of me on the gravel road.  He runs a little way and then stops.  And looks at me.  Still not running away very far.  It's like he KNEW that I didn't have that damn gun in the truck.  Oh IT IS ON!!!!  I'm gonna get that sucker.  Now, here's my little tid bits for Gluten Free Friday!  I've always had horribly itchy, dry skin.  I'm not talking about a little dry skin cause it's cold outside and t...

No running........

And I'm  bitchy GROUCHY about it.   I tried running on the treadmill today to see if my foot/ankle/again have no idea....was feeling any better.  I THOUGHT it was.  No good though.  Fifteen seconds in and it hurt like hell.  I had to settle for pushups, situps and squats.  Like my ass needs to get any bigger.  Let's do some squats!!  Ughhhh.......This week has pretty much been a big pile of crap.  I'm usually not such a Debbie Downer, but it really has not been a good one.  To top off the day, we were going to have practice tonight and didn't get coordinated with everyone in time and tables were set up for a funeral before we got there.  Totally my fault for the dumbass attack and had to make sure all kids were ok to get home.  Good job!!  Coach of the year right there.  So, tomorrow's a new day!!!  Whooop whoop!  I'm going to ice my foot, and hope that next week is better and I can get some runs...

Horror movies and sinus infections.......

Here's my day so far.  Through the help of pictures.  Started off tired as could be.  Kohl has decided that it's funny as hell to wake me up 10 times a night just to say he loves me or that he has to go to the bathroom.  Or that his covers are no longer "covering" him up and he needs them adjusted.  I repeatedly tell myself that I love him and it's just a phase.   I also feel like this lady because somehow I hurt my arch/foot/who the hell knows on my run Sunday.  I can't put any pressure on the outside of my foot and am walking around like a complete idiot.  Just when I think it's feeling better I step down wrong and almost piss myself.  Seriously.  So, I'm taking a few days off from running.  Now is when I wish I still had my exercise bike.  Knight woke up feeling like shit so I took him in to the clinic this morning.  Oh how I love driving the 60 miles there.  One way.  As I suspected, cause I'm not a...

My "other" kids........

In my "spare" time, I coach elementary bball.  I LOVE basketball.  Not like I love/hate running.  I LOVE basketball.  Always have.  This year, my girls I had since they were in 3rd grade, are now in Jr. High.  They only have one home game this year and it was today so I decided I'd better go watch them.  They were like kids to me.  I had a hard time when they played their last elementary game as 6th graders.  I still enjoy riding their asses lightly encouraging them from time to time.  I got to have one of their practices when I subbed one day.  It was GREAT!! My sis is their coach and she does an outstanding job!  They kinda rocked it today so I was very proud of them!  In our small town, there aren't an over abundance of kids.  So, I went from having a really strong 6th grade team to having one 5th grader and a dozen 3rd and 4th graders.  I have to admit.  It took me a couple practices to ...

Thank goodness for peer encouragement!!

I DID IT!!!!!  5 mile run is in the books.  Whoop Whoop!!!  I was really looking forward to this run today.  I like accomplishing new goals and distances.  It's become an obsession of sorts.  Which can be good or bad I guess.  I'm not going to give you every little detail about this KICK ASS run.  But here's how things started out.  I tend to get really sore in my lower legs/calves after a long run.  So, like any serious runner, ha ha, I decided I'd try some of these compression socks.  They are NOT kidding when they say compression.  Really.....the box should just say CAUTION: TIGHT F'ING SOCKS INSIDE. I swear it took me 10 minutes to get those damn things on.  But boy they felt good once I did.  And my legs feel great after my run.  No soreness.  Yet.  :)  I only stopped once to shed a coat but other than that, I felt pretty good.  I usually struggle with the turn around and sometimes ...

iPhone Bliss.....Diet Coke Karma........Gluten Free Friday (oops)

Which means that Fedex finally arrived!!!!  Well, not exactly true.  They arrived, in town 20+ miles from my house and thought they'd just drop it off at the school for me.  How thoughtful of them.  Blahhhhhh........ Cause I don't work at the school, or anywhere in town for that matter.  At least it was in the direction of picking up the older child from his school.  Point is.......I GOT IT!!!  I LOVE IT!!!!  And I shouldn't be this excited about getting a new phone, but I am so shut it!!!  On to other business.  Yesterday was day 5 of no diet coke.  Well, it turned into 4 days of no diet coke and me drinking one when I got to town (to pick up my BADASS iPhone) cause I had a terrible headache yesterday.  I was almost certain I had not been glutened so I assumed that the headache was from going cold turkey on the diet coke.  The good thing was, it didn't taste near as wonderful as I thought it would.  It did get rid ...

Pony Express????!!!!!..............

I realize that I live in the middle of BFE!!  It becomes a problem when we are out of milk for the bucket calf Kohl.  Also a problem when you're out of tp and it's Saturday at 3 and the store closed an hour before and won't be open again till Monday.  It's the shits.  Literally.  Which is when you head down to the bunkhouse in hopes that the guys have some laying around.  :)  It also becomes a problem annoyance when the Fed Ex people call you every time you are supposed to have a package delivered and go on and on about how busy they are and they just aren't going to make it out to your house today.  Oh, and could they just drop that off in town for you.  Well, if we ever went that direction you could, but we happen to go the other direction to "town".  This is what I'm waiting on..... I gave into temptation and ordered an iPhone.  Super excited!!  Well, I was until THEY informed me I wouldn't be getting it today cause ...

January????? Are you sure about that???.............

Sixty-two degrees today.  WTH????!!!!!! I love it.  Last year's snow storm in October made winter in Nebraska feel like the frozen tundra.  This year's winter has a chance of lasting as long as: The wedding of a certain celebrity couple.  Whoop Whoop!!! I'm getting older.  I don't particularly like the snow or the cold.  Unless it involves Butterscotch Schnapps.  Mmmmmmm.....Yummy. I planned on running in the warm weather today but had to get on that damn treadmill again cause the wind was blowing too hard.  Good news is it's supposed to stay warm for awhile!  I'm not complaining!  I WILL be complaining when we have a foot of snow on the ground in March and I get high centered trying to go for a run down our gravel road.  :)  That would be a scary sight.  Day 2 of Operation No Diet Coke is going well.  I haven't craved it, been a bitch to anyone (that I know of), or completely lost my cool.  We also ha...

Operation "No More Diet Coke"......

Or at least a limited number of diet coke's.  My MIL Terri got me a new Soda Stream pop making machine for Christmas.  AWESOME!!  Naturally flavored, gluten free goodness!!  No really, most of the flavors taste really good.  So, from now on, when I'm home it's all sodastream.  And, since most of the time I'm home, the diet coke addiction will hopefully go away!  Or change from killing cussing someone for drinking my last diet coke, to dealing with it in a calm manner.  :)   I'm not saying that I'll NEVER have another.  Just want to learn to enjoy in moderation.  I also read that sometimes drinking diet soda will lead to weight gain.  Crazy, huh???  Maybe that would explain the extra 10 pounds that has made it's way to my ass in the last few years.  Or......again, it could be that I think I should just eat candy for meals.  Either way, I'm cuttin back on the soda with the help of this wonderful little machi...

Why I run......

I've been reading these really great blogs about why people run.  What keeps them motivated to get out there every day and just run.  I'm relatively new to all this running business, but after those first "great" accomplishments (running 3 miles without passing out/stopping/dying), I really "get it".  I'm not gonna lie.  I used to wonder why everyone that ran talked about it all the time.  I mean really????  Do we care about your time, distance, pace etc.  Now I'm that annoying person that talks about running.  How far I've gone, have to go, and how fast I was.  Or slow in my case, but who's keeping track!  I finally GET IT!!  It's addicting.  That feeling of pure accomplishment (or passing the "fast" beotch at the race) is the greatest in the world! So, here is why I run.  Some are why I started running in the first place.  Others are why I will continue to be a runner from here on out.  1.  To find m...

Where the hell's that Woodchuck??!!!!

Evil little bastards........I don't go out much.  I don't drink often.  And I know why.  I'm just not a young kid like I once was.  It's hard on a gal to recover the next day.  I'm going to blame it on Tara myself. She always FORCES us girls to drink Washington Apples.  Extra yummy but I'm really starting to not like all this peer pressure............It would be rude of me to say, "no I don't want your f'n drink".  I'm just not that person.  I  reluctantly willingly agree every time she "forces" one upon me.  Also rude to not drink the Woodchuck that so many kind souls bought me.  And thanks to my wonderful sister for putting this pic of me on facebook.  Notice the beautiful crooked way my face looks.  WTF!!! This one is much better.............. We had a wonderful evening with GREAT friends and I really don't feel THAT bad today.  Just like this guy who got his ass ran over by a truck..... ...