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Merry Freakin Christmas!!!!!!!!! Whoop Whoop!!!!

I love Christmas Eve.  Pry more than I love Christmas day!  I feel like I'm ahead of the game this year which completely scares the crap out of me.  I keep wondering......Who the hell's present did I forget to buy???!!!!  That's my worst fear.  Getting somewhere and realizing that I forgot someone.  Ughhh.......I would totally feel like an ass and make up some lame excuse that I forgot to grab it from under our tree at home and la di da......I could say that one of the army guys is holding it hostage......
Or, I could just tell them I forgot cause I'm losing my mind and going completely insane!!  :)  I'm pretty certain I got everyone covered this year, and also certain that I have the EXACT same number of presents for each of the kids.  Cause heaven forbid one should have one more than the other.  The 5 year old will count them.  Guaranteed. 

I'm going to finish up all the baking/cooking I can before tomorrow's crew gets to my house.  It's going to be kind of a quiet day.  Only 14 of us.  My husband of course thinks that's a huge number but we have a HUGE family and the norm is around 25.   We're kind of like that show "My Big Fat Greek Wedding".  Only we aren't Greek!!  But we're LOUD and funny as shit.  We tend to get in everyone else's business and we have a wonderful time!! 

I hope you all have a Merry Christmas and get everything you wanted!  I don't even know what I wanted so I'll be happy as shit no matter what!!  I plan on eating and drinking ALOT!  So, before we head to the parents today I plan on getting in that 4 mile run if it kills me.  I am going to NEED it.


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