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Showing posts from 2011

Bring on 2012!!!

Bring on the New Year!!  2011 wasn't too shabby but I'm always ready for new things, experiences and FUN!  I've never made resolutions.  At least not at the start of the year.  I'm one of those who is constantly coming up with new "ideas" for this and that.  Sometimes these ideas pan out and sometimes they just fizzle out.  Since I started running, I seem to have more goals and things I want to accomplish.  Some big, some small but all of them pretty f'in important.   Here are some of the things that I want to do in 2012.  I wouldn't necessarily call them resolutions.  Just some things that I want to accomplish. 1.  Finish my first 1/2 marathon.  I'm signed up for the Lincoln 1/2 in May.  I don't care if I have to crawl over that damn finish line.  I WILL make it! 2.  Eat "cleaner".  I would try and survive on candy if I thought it was possible.  Not so much now that I started runnin...

Gluten Free Friday.....

I'm dedicating Friday's from here on out to Gluten!  Gluten Free that is!!  Five years ago (holy crap I can't believe it's been that long) I started having headaches/body aches/mental fog etc.  Really, I felt like shit.  It had started toward the end of my pregnancy with Kohl and continued after he was delivered.  Something was wrong I just didn't know what it was.  After 3 years of going to different doctors, specialists and basically everyone else who eventually would just look at me like I had gone crazy or was depressed, I found a doctor that helped me figure things out!  She didn't look at me like I was insane, a wimp (seriously I had a doctor tell me that.....ASSHOLE), or just plain stupid.  She helped me, listened to me and through process of elimination she led me to a gluten free life.  Just 3 days after eliminating gluten from my diet, my headache/body ache was GONE.  I hadn't felt that great in 5 years.  Holy shit!  ...

Why do I let myself talk me into these things.......????????

Today I got my eyes poked out by 10,000 needles........Smart??  Maybe not.  Time saving idea???  DEFINATELY!!!! I've always wanted to get permanent makeup tatooed on my eyes.  No, really.  Eyeliner that will be there at all times.  So, when I go to the local grocery store they don't think I've just rolled out of bed.  Or had a bottle glass of whiskey at 9:00 in the morning.  It will actually look like I "worked" a little bit on myself that day.  Maybe they will then overlook the yoga pants and sweatshirt that I always sometimes wear.  My sis and I went today for a fucking horrible AWESOME day of bonding and tatooing.  She went first cause I had to go to the chiro beforehand.  I got there just in time for the lady to start in on my sis.  Who pretty much just laid there and twitched every now and then.  No random swear words or screaming.  She wouldn't tell me how it was so that right there should have thr...

A few of my favorite running quotes........

I love motivational quotes, pictures, sayings.  They're good for the soul and make me feel like I can accomplish what I set out to do.  I used some when the volleyball season started this year and it really helped the girls see they can accomplish what they set out to do.  Here are some of my favorites!! I love this one!!  People constantly tell me they have no time for exercise.  They assume since I am a stay at home mom that I sit around all day with hours of free time.  NOT.  I know alot of people who are really busy that still find time to exercise!! Just found this one today!  Love it and it will be on my fridge soon! Or a bigger one.......which I think is happening to me.  :( The "for the rest of your life" kinda scared me at first.  :)  But it's the truth.  If you want it you have to work for it! I tell myself this when I want to quit. I've started and now I know that I won't quit!  I love running and I ...

Griswold Family Christmas......COMPLETE!!!

Ahhhhhhhhh...........(big sigh of relief) and I'm spent!  Another family Christmas is in the books.  Why does it always seem like it's a big freakin circus??  Christmas Eve we headed into Wade's grandpa's house to have a little get together and open presents with his mom.  Fairly low key cause his family is so small and it's pretty much us, the kids and his mom & her husband.  Kids opened presents, I drank wine and it was Merry! Then the chaos began!  Good chaos though.  Just a shitload few more people at my mom's house.  Remember, the Greeks.  Only we aren't Greek. Nine grandkids and 6 of them young, wild, and LOUD!!!  They had a wonderful time though and each got a remote control helicopter.  That we all agreed should stay in the boxes until we each got home to our own houses.  That is, all of us except my husband.  Who was more eager to play with them than the kids.  Which explains the constipated l...

Merry Freakin Christmas!!!!!!!!! Whoop Whoop!!!!

I love Christmas Eve.  Pry more than I love Christmas day!  I feel like I'm ahead of the game this year which completely scares the crap out of me.  I keep wondering......Who the hell's present did I forget to buy???!!!!  That's my worst fear.  Getting somewhere and realizing that I forgot someone.  Ughhh.......I would totally feel like an ass and make up some lame excuse that I forgot to grab it from under our tree at home and la di da......I could say that one of the army guys is holding it hostage...... Or, I could just tell them I forgot cause I'm losing my mind and going completely insane!!  :)  I'm pretty certain I got everyone covered this year, and also certain that I have the EXACT same number of presents for each of the kids.  Cause heaven forbid one should have one more than the other.  The 5 year old will count them.  Guaranteed.  I'm going to finish up all the baking/cooking I can before tomorrow's crew gets t...


Today's blog is gonna be a little different.  Cause today would have been DaNelle's 34th birthday.  Here's a pic of DaNelle, myself, and both my sisters. (Obviously when we were in high school.)  We grew up with her, were college roommates, and the greatest of friends.  3 years ago she was diagnosed with breast cancer.  A year later, she passed away.  While the special dates still make me sad, and I'll never understand why someone so great was taken so early in life, I now find myself thinking about the great memories made with her.  In no particular order, here are a few things I will never forget. Swimming in the tank out at her grandma's house with the goldfish, then hanging out in the basement sneaking whiskey.  :) Her infectious smile and laugh.   Her stories!!  She called me every morning around 10:00 and we'd talk till the guys came in for lunch at noon.  I miss those phone calls! Playing foosball at the high ...

Taking a run on the dreadmill.........

This is sorta how I feel when I have to run on the treadmill.   I've come to dread it!!  I would much rather run outside, but there are days when I just have enough time to run upstairs and start up the treadmill.  I try to watch mindless reality tv that requires no deep thought or concentration.  What I usually end up doing though is watching my mileage and at the EXACT moment I hit my target for the day, I hurtle myself from that damn machine.  Literally, I cannot get off fast enough.  A few weeks ago we spent the night at my MIL's house.  She just got her home gym all set up and so I used her treadmill for a quick workout while I was there.  I despise her...............because she has a BITCHIN treadmill.  Seriously, felt like I was floating on a cloud instead of pounding the concrete like mine now feels like after experiencing HEAVEN on hers.  This is how I felt while on the BITCHIN treadmill. No REALLY!!!!!!!!  It was ...

Mama got her ass kicked by a 2" army man..................

This "guy" as a matter of fact!  Seems innocent enough.  Believe me,  they are stealthy little shits.  And they are everywhere in our house!  This one tripped me up on the stairs this morning and about knocked me right down them! My oldest son has an obsession with the army.  We thought it was a phase.  Going into the 3rd year of this obsession, I'm hoping it's still a phase.  He talks army, watches army, plays army.  In Kindergarten the teacher finally had to tell him that he could only talk about army on the playground at recess.  The classroom was off limits.  I've done the same thing at home.  I try to limit the "talking" about it to a minimum of 35 hours a day...............Ughhhhh........I love it that he's so into things and really takes stuff seriously (when he wants to).  Maybe it just gripes my ass that he knows more about every single war this country's ever been involved in than I do.  And when he asks m...

Whoooop Whooop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...........

Today marks a great day in 2011!!!  College football bowl games start!  I LOVE college football.  I LOVE the Huskers!!!!!!!  But I also love watching random teams that I know nothing about.  Doesn't matter where they are from or what their story is.  I just love watching football.  So, from now until the first week in January, I can pretty much watch football any given day!  It's awesome!!! Last year we went to every home Husker game.  Love it there.  The atmosphere is great, walking amongst the drunken tailgaters is hilarious, and the general excitement in the stadium is electrifying.  We've taken the kids to 2 games so far.  I'm not going to lie.  It's exhausting.  First, it's quite a walk to the stadium.  So, as you can imagine, eventually the 5 year old wants someone to carry him.  He's not a small kid.  In fact, he weighs as much as the 7 year old.  He's solid as a brick shit house and com...

Prepping for the "long" run........

Recently I started running.  If you can call it running.  Might be more like jogging, or wogging.  Whatever you want to call it, I'm going to call it running!  Makes it sound so much cooler.  I ran my first 5k race with a great group of gals from my hometown a few weeks ago.  Loved it!  It was cold, snowing, and the roads were slick as snot.  But I loved it.  I'm super competitive and although I didn't break any speed barriers, I was NOT going to let anyone see me walking.  So, I ran the whole thing which was a great accomplishment for me.  I will share my "shining" moment of the race though.  Some might think it's a bit bitchy, but it was still my moment and I went with it!  So, as I said, I went to the race with 4 other girls, one of which is my sister/bff.  She will love that reference.  (By the way, she has a really funny blog  .)   So, as we are pulling ...

10 things that annoy me.............

If you asked my husband what annoys me the most, he would say "what doesn't annoy her".  I'm slightly extremely annoyed by little things.  I try really hard not to be, but some things just make no sense to me, or irritate me so much I just can't take it.  So, I've compiled a little list today of SOME of the things that I cannot stand.  In a totally random order.  Enjoy!  :) 1.  Tapping pencils, fingernails, ticking clocks, humming.......basically any stupid sound that has no purpose.  I will cut your fingers off and I'm not joking!  Ok, maybe I am, but don't do it!! 2.  Pretty designs on the toilet paper.  Really??????  You're wiping your ass with it.  Enough said!! 3.  People who don't say please, thank you, or in general just show any respect whatsoever towards people.  4.  Knight (my7 year old) not flushing the toilet cause he thinks it's funny................NOT FUNNY. 5.  Joy B...

Ode to the running shoe.......

Size 11.  And I'm not referring to my pant size.  That's my ginormous shoe size.  Who cares, you say!  I care.  I'm 5'3".  Yeah, you read that right.  I wear a size 11 shoe have a head the size of a watermelon and nothing in between stretched far enough to be called tall.  When my husband and I were dating, my future MIL asked me why I was wearing his shoes.  And she wasn't joking.  Not only are my feet huge, they are flat as a pancake.  I'm also bow legged and pigeon toed.  Major problem.  I was so bow legged when I was little my parents had to put Forest Gump braces on my legs at night to sleep.  Seriously.  And "f" off for laughing!!!!!   I have a hell of a time finding the right shoes.  Nothing was different when I began the search for the "perfect" running shoe. We live on a ranch 21 miles from the closest town and 100 miles from a Walmart.  I r...

Here goes nothing!

Recently my sister got me started reading blogs.  Funny, laugh out loud, real life people doing and saying things that make me laugh.  Love them!  So, having no extra time in my day, I decided I'd give it a try.  Why the hell not.  My life is full of stupid crap that no one everyone will want to read about.  First thing I had to come up with a name.  Problem was, everything I could think of was not appropriate for some that might read this.  Those that know me, know that I cuss.  Alot.  It's a terrible thing some of the filth that comes out of my mouth.  So, disclaimer..... I CUSS ALOT !!!!!!   Recently I started running.  I used to despise the thought of it.  I had visions of passing out while jogging 1/4 of a mile and would lay there till my husband, a hired man, or one of the horses/cows/dogs would find me.   But let's face it.  I'm not getting any younger.  And what's the...