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I'm BACK!!!!

I bet some of you are thinking.....oh great.  lol   I'll be honest, I haven't even been on my blog for almost 2 years.  How does that even happen?  I guess life happens.  Kids get older, activities abound, and you just lose track of time.  And let's be life is not exactly reality show material most of the time.  MOST of the time. 
My plan for the blog for awhile is to report on my "progress" in a new eating plan that I have now been on for 5 days.  I debated waiting until I was all done with the program and then revealing my super hot bod, but I thought that would be totally unfair to hide my secrets.  bahahaha........
It's no secret that I've struggled with a little extra fluffiness most of my life.  I was constantly active in high school and most of my college years, so I always just thought I was "big boned".  NO.......I was just a big eater.  lol  I was at my thinnest after having Knight.  I started Weight Watchers Online and did really well with it.  I felt great.  Then came Kohl, and I again lost all but 5 lbs of my "baby weight".  I didn't feel good that time though.  I started getting headaches daily, was tired all the time, and had no spunk.  I started to gain weight.  A few pounds here and there.  Then I started running.  I really thought that would do the trick.  And while I was in the best shape of my life, the weight was still creeping on.  I've now ran 4 half marathons.  And with each bout of training, I gained 5 lbs.  You can do the math.  I've tried everything.  I did the Body by Vi and before this drank a shake every morning for the last 3 years.  I do love their shakes!  I just didn't lose any weight, or if I did I would gain it right back.  I tried Zyngular.....again, nothing.  Thrive.....nothing.....Whole 30.....nothing.  And all the while exercising my ass off.  :)
Awhile ago I started seeing some posts on FB from a friend I went to college with and have known since high school.  She's a Nurse Practitioner and pretty damn smart as far as I can tell.  I did some research, and then some more research.  The program is Take Shape for Life.  Like I said, I'm on day 5 now.  Here is a quick recap of those first few days to get you caught up.

Day 1 - super excited to start, no hunger
Day 2 - started to notice the drop in calories, food so far good tasting
Day 3 - Slow day at home so I felt hungry more out of boredom than anything, seriously debated licking the plates of all the people in my house when I made them fettucine alfredo......but I knew the noodles were not gluten free.... :)
Day 4 - hunger feelings in late afternoon so I added an extra snack
Day 5 - down 5lbs!!  worked outside all day long horseback and no hunger whatsoever 

So far I love it.  I'll be honest......the thought of prepackaged meals was not appealing to me at first.  When I started looking around the website though, I realized that their 5&1 plan could really work for me.  5 meals a day of their food, and 1 a day of my own lean protein and veggies.  And seriously, who doesn't like to eat 6 times a freaking day!!  Shakes, puddings, "ice cream", cereal, brownies, etc.  And they actually taste great.  Bonus!! 
My husband would love to get his sexy back so he is starting next week.  When he told me he wanted to try it, I decided I should just become a coach.  So, head over to my website and check it out for yourself.
Hopefully I will be back tomorrow for a Day 6 update.  I am fairly forgetful though so don't hold your breath.  Maybe I should shoot for every other day.  :)


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